Friday 14 March 2014


At present i'm rendering which is taking the majority of my time up, i'll post some teasers up soon!!

Thursday 6 March 2014


At this point the mountains have been added to get rid of the ugly horizon line that was present. In turn this lends realism to the scene and scale of the scene. This is by no means finished and the textures of the mountain will be altered.

Thursday 27 February 2014


Here is a walk cycle of the rhino. Obviously I can experiment with how the head moves etc and there is still work to be done with animating the tail and ears. This aside the basics are there.

Tuesday 25 February 2014


Here is a rendered out run cycle of the Rhino, his ears and Tail still need animating but for the most part i'm quite pleased with how it's going.With a further 10 days till animating is over.


Rhino house has tons of animal referencing videos for animators to use in their animations and I certainly will be no exception. It may be an idea for me to get a months subscription for just $8!

Monday 24 February 2014


Today was spent blocking out a rhino Gallop at speed, the back legs are way too jerky however thus far.


Browsing in the library I remember that Eadweard Muybridge may be of some help to me as he specialized in animal movement photography. Having taken out his Animals In Motion book there are many breakdowns of horses runs and canters which distinctly match that of a Rhino. Not too disimilar is the walk and gait of a Buffalo and thus will provide suitable reference in which to block out my animation.